Hi everyone and welcome on this page where you’ll find the videos of « Wild » giving you more insight about the whole chords theory!
As you may already have guess, I’m not an English native speaker, so I may have left some grammar mistakes in the book despite having it professionally proofread and everything. Feel free to report them by mailing me at morganofglencoe@gmail.com and I’ll put erratas on this page! (please be kind doing so, English is my third language and is pretty tricky sometimes ^^’)

Video n°1 : Molly Malone (page 33)


Video n°2 : Pelot d’Hennebont (page 37)


Video n°3 : An Hini a garan (page 41)


Video n°4 : The Drunken Sailor (page 47)


Video n°5 : The Wild Rover (page 51)


Video n°6 : Some picking examples (page 54)


Video n°7 : The Foggy Dew (page 57)


Video n°8 : Wild Mountain Thyme


Video n°9 : Little Star (page 66)


Video n°10 : Modes (page 74-75, watch with the book on hand to get everything.)


Need more examples? Have a question? I’ll will answer every morning on Twitch, from Monday to Friday, 9-11am (french hour)!